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Advanced Databases and SQL Querying
Lecture 1: Introduction (2:31)
SQL Views
Lecture 2: SQL Views - An Introduction (5:43)
Lecture 3: SQL views - Deep Dive into Querying (8:19)
SQL triggers
Lecture 4: SQL Triggers - An Introduction (4:33)
Lecture 5: SQL Triggers - Deep dive into Querying (9:08)
SQL Computed Columns
Lecture 6: SQL Computed Columns - An Introduction (3:03)
Lecture 7: SQL Computed Columns - Deep dive into querying (2:17)
SQL Stored Procedures
Lecture 8: SQL Stored Procedure: An Introduction (9:27)
Lecture 9: SQL Stored Procedures - Deep Dive into Querying (17:06)
SQL User Defined Functions (UDF)
Lecture 10: SQL User defined functions - An Introduction (4:33)
Lecture 11: SQL User Defined Functions - Deep Dive into Querying (10:34)
SQL Transactions and Error Handling
Lecture 12: SQL Transactions and Error Handling - An Introduction (5:07)
Lecture 13: SQL Transactions and Error Handling - An Introduction (Continued) (5:17)
Lecture 14: SQL Transactions and Error Handling - Deep Dive into Querying (13:35)
SQL Grouping functions and Ranking functions
Lecture 15: SQL Grouping Sets and Common Table Expressions (9:57)
Lecture 16: SQL Ranking Functions - An Introduction (4:09)
Lecture 17: SQL Ranking Functions - Deep Dive into Querying (5:50)
SQL XML datatypes
Lecture 18: SQL XML Datatype - An Introduction (5:51)
Lecture 19: SQL XML Datatype - Deep Dive into Querying (15:11)
SQL Partitions
Lecture 20: SQL Partitions - An Introduction (4:19)
Lecture 21: SQL Partitions - Deep Dive into Querying (11:56)
SQL Dynamic Queries
Lecture 22: SQL Dynamic Queries and Pivots - An Introduction (3:42)
Lecture 23: SQL Dynamic Queries and Pivots - Deep dive into QUerying (5:55)
SQL Filestream and Free-Text Search
Lecture 24: SQL Filestream (7:28)
Lecture 25: SQL Free-Text Search (8:52)
SQL Geography and Geometry datatype
Lecture 26: Geometry and Geography Data Types (11:22)
Conclusion and Next Steps
Lecture 27: Conclusion and Next Steps (4:54)
Lecture 9: SQL Stored Procedures - Deep Dive into Querying
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